Integrity Land stands its ground as a leader in AER Crown Surface Applications over the past 3 years!

With over 1,000 Crown Surface Applications filed through the Alberta Energy Regulator’s OneStop process since 2021, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta-based Integrity Land has emerged as a Top 5 Land Services Leader in major oil and gas, oilfield, pipeline, and oil sands exploration projects throughout the province.
“We were nearly tied for third place amongst our peers,” said Integrity Land President Danny Tchir. “This achievement is significant for us, as we are seeing greater project volume than other, larger surface land service companies working to acquire land access in a tumultuous and complex provincial energy sector.”
The AER OneStop application process is an integral component of a meticulous regulatory system designed to monitor Alberta’s vast energy sector, and ensure responsible management of the province’s oil, natural gas, oil sands, and coal resources. As a governing body, the Alberta Energy Regulator holds energy companies accountable for their actions and helps ensure that all energy-related projects are developed and operated in a safe and environmentally-responsible manner.
The sheer volume of Integrity Land’s approved applications through the OneStop portal not only secures the company’s status as a premier, preferred partner within the energy sector, but gives proof that Integrity Land is widely trusted and respected throughout the industry to operate with full transparency, meticulous attention to detail, and genuine care for the land, the people, and the places they work with.
“We’ve also seen a tremendous increase in pre-application and pre-construction wildlife sweeps and assessment projects,” notes Integrity Land Vice President Amanda de-Roo. “With our extensive knowledge and training in forestry, land use and wildlife, more clients are recognizing and leveraging our ability to reduce environmental impact and project approval times and costs, while meeting strict regulatory guidelines regarding the protection of breeding, nesting, and denning wildlife and their habitats.”
For nearly 25 years, Integrity Land has taken a direct, honest, and proactive approach to achieve project advancement and success, however large or small the undertaking. This includes cultivating meaningful, lasting relationships with professional courtesy, dignity and respect for all parties involved.
“Yes, our integrity runs deep—on that we stand our ground—but it’s our experience and expertise, insight, and deep connection to people and place that truly elevates the strength and effectiveness of our work,” says Tchir. “Much more significant than just values of time and cost, this is how Integrity Land goes above and beyond for its energy sector clients, and these are the attributes by which we truly measure our worth as a leader in land service solutions.”
“OneStop” and look no further. Regardless of the complexity or magnitude of your next Crown surface land project, big ideas, bold solutions, and over 1,000 better pathways to energy sector expansion and progress are sure to meet on Integrity Land.
About Integrity Land
As a premier land services provider headquartered in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, deep in the Industrial Heartland of the province, Integrity Land is strategically situated to provide such Crown land service solutions throughout Western Canada as Crown surface land administration, application preparation and submission, Indigenous consultation, site inspection and surveys, wildlife sweeps, and acquisition of all third party agreements. Integrity Land always goes above & beyond to ensure the most fair and viable, complete, seamless, and error-free solution while satisfying all client, stakeholder (including special interest groups and ruling bodies), and regulatory requirements.
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